Great Fen

Kita Insurance for Wilder Carbon buffer pool

Wilder Carbon is proud to be the first Carbon Standard to incorporate “Buffer Insurance” as a safeguard against loss for Wilder Carbon’s Buffer.

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Wilder Carbon is proud to be the first Carbon Standard to incorporate “Buffer Insurance” as a safeguard against loss for Wilder Carbon’s Buffer. Partnering with Kita, the carbon insurance specialist, Buffer Insurance will complement Wilder Carbon’s already robust risk mitigation, trusted delivery partners and commercial approach to protect carbon credit investments on our validated projects from:

  • natural catastrophe, 
  • non-performance against forecast growth, 
  • abandonment by project developer, 
  • fraud and negligence. 

With a partnership based on aligned values to increase confidence in the delivery of high-integrity nature-based carbon solutions, we will continue to work with Kita on co-developing innovative insurance products that will actively reduce the investment risk for Wilder Carbon buyers and partners.
These insurance products will reduce barriers to market entry and secure further investment in the restoration of nature for climate and environmental benefits. Wilder Carbon look forward to continuing to work with Kita to develop a robust set of products to suit a wide range of buyer and landowner needs as we grow our portfolio of projects here in the UK.

“By working in partnership with Carbon Standards, carbon insurance can increase resilience and build trust in the integrity and functionality of carbon projects. We are thrilled to be working with Wilder Carbon on a pioneering insurance offer for their high-quality nature-based carbon credit buffer, to further enhance trust and integrity by adding an additional level of protection against underperformance.” – Natalia Dorfman, CEO, Kita

*Kita’s insurance partner Chaucer is the lead underwriter on this policy.

Wilder Carbon provides a unique high integrity mechanism to deliver your goals.

  • Terms and Conditions

    Read our standard terms and conditions of purchase.

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    Purchase Wilder Carbon Credits as part of your net zero strategy.

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    Hear more about how carbon insurance helps safeguard and enable investment into high quality carbon projects.

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    In this blog CEO & co-founder of Kita, Natalia Dorfman explains why this Buffer Insurance policy exists; what it does; and why it matters.

    Read now

Speak to our Delivery Team

Our delivery team consists of in-house experts who can talk to you about your Wilder Carbon investment.

  • Evan Bowen-Jones
    Evan Bowen Jones
    Founder / Managing Director
  • Paul Hadaway
    Paul Hadaway
    Director of Conservation
  • Sarah Brownlie
    Programme Director
  • Ross Johnson
    Ross Johnson
    Head of Nature Markets
  • Robbie Still
    Robbie Still
    Head of Digital Development
  • Helen Gillespie-Brown
    Business Development Manager