Public Consultation for Wilder Carbon Standard for Nature and Climate V2

Sarah Brownlie

Sarah Brownlie Programme Director

Our mission is to restore and protect nature on a massive scale in the UK, to tackle some of the world’s biggest threats.

We have established a unique model: underpinned by the Wilder Carbon Standard for Nature and Climate (WCS), which has enabled the generation of assured, conservation grade carbon credits through the delivery of high-quality nature restoration projects that are: 

  • designed and delivered by trusted conservation experts;  
  • monitored by best-in-class practice and emerging technologies; 
  • verified by independent experts to international standards;  
  • are insurable;   
  • transparently tracked on a public register, and are
  • aggregated to match directly to, demonstrably nature and climate positive businesses.  

In June 2023 we released Version 2 of the Wilder Carbon Standard for Nature and Climate.

Our ethos is one of continuous learning and improvement, and so to support our independent Technical Standard Board in the ongoing development of the standard, we are opening a public consultation period to gather feedback and insights from wide ranging market participants.

The public consultation is open for feedback from 3rd May to 6th June 2024 to gather feedback specifically on The Wilder Carbon Standard for Nature and Climate Version 2 and its supporting guidance publicly accessible HERE

You can access the feedback form HERE to submit your views anonymously, or you can choose to identify yourself if you wish to.

The information gathered from this public consultation will help inform Version 2.1 of the Wilder Carbon Standard for Nature and Climate for publication by the end of 2024 to capture urgent improvements, followed by Version 3 published in early 2025 tackling more complex issues.

Key themes for Version 3 are already under development including:

  • Our approach to strengthen community related requirements,
  • Unlocking income from the biodiversity benefit generated by Wilder Carbon projects in isolation or as a bundled credit, and
  • The potential for the standard to be applied outside of the current jurisdiction

Alongside this, public consultation of the Wilder Carbon Standard for Nature and Climate and its supporting documents will be formally included as a governance feature going forward, ensuring that feedback is gathered for any updates and changes to ensure continuous improvement and that we remain aligned to emerging international best practice.

If you have any problems or questions, please get in touch with the team HERE and thank you in advance for taking the time to support the development of Wilder Carbon.