Green grass field under sky near lake in daytime

Wilder Carbon Technical Standard Board

The Technical Standard Board and its members are the guardians of the Wilder Carbon Standard for Nature and Climate.

View the Wilder Carbon Standard for Nature and Climate

The standard will provide increased legitimacy and rigour for Wilder Carbon: particularly, but not necessarily exclusively, around its Carbon + Habitat Tool; Project Eligibility Assessments; and Assurance mechanisms for projects, project developers, deliverers, verifiers, buyers and Investors.​

The Technical Standard Board is composed of voluntary expert individuals from major stakeholder groups and bring together their key areas of expertise around standards, carbon verification, monitoring and sequestration, biodiversity and conservation delivery, and industries who see the importance of investing post haste in nature-based climate solutions in the UK.

Technical Standard Board Members

  • Barbara Sanderson

    Barbara Sanderson

    Chief Operating Officer of TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures) with a background in investment management, green finance & impact investing. She contributes to initiatives on Just Transition, carbon removal and more.


  • Nick Barter

    Nick Barter

    Climate change lead within Defra, both mitigation and adaptation. Previously led on the development of the Government’s 25 year plan to improve the environment within a generation.

  • Nye Gordon

    Director of the Energy, Sustainability & Infrastructure team of Guidehouse in London. Leading on initiatives covering climate resilience and nature-based solutions.

  • Peter Brotherton

    Peter Brotherton

    Director, Specialist Services and Programmes, Lead Director for Climate Change, Natural England

  • Helen Avery

    Helen Avery

    Oversees GFI's work in mobilising capital into nature. She works on the TFND, the finance sector response to the Dasgupta Review; and she supports the EA and DEFRA on the NEIRF.

  • Georgie Nelson

    Georgie Nelson

    An ESG manager for real assets investments at abrdn. She is focused on ensuring integration of ESG in all elements of the investment process to enable both protection and enhancement of investment performance.

  • Stuart Lendrum

    Stuart Lendrum

    A leader and innovator across Packaging, Sustainability & Global Food Supply Chains with over 20 years experience as a key player in packaging and sustainable sourcing across the retail and manufacturing sectors.

  • Alicia Gibson

    Alicia Gibson

    Senior Associate Director at Finance Earth leading a range of investment advisory projects aiming to make finance work for nature and a climate positive world for all.

​Acting independently of their current employment*, the Technical Standard Board have been selected due to their extensive experience and alignment with the Wilder Carbon ethos of acting now for nature and the climate crisis, by using the best possible data, in the best possible way.

*Any views expressed by our Technical Standard Board Members in this capacity do not necessarily reflect their respective business or UK Government positions, nor are the Technical Standards Board under any obligation to take the views of these organisations into account.

Technical Standard Board Governance

  • Technical Standard Board members will be individually and collectively committed to the ongoing development and application of the Wilder Carbon Standard for Nature and Climate as set out in the Governance document

    Wilder Carbon Governance
  • If you believe nature should lead the way in tackling the climate and nature crises and want to support natural climate solutions here in the UK, apply to join our Standard Board members who are the guardians of the Wilder Carbon Standards.

    Apply to become a Wilder Carbon Standard Board Member

Speak to our Delivery Team

Our delivery team consists of in-house experts who can talk to you about your Wilder Carbon investment.

  • Evan Bowen-Jones
    Evan Bowen Jones
    Founder / Managing Director
  • Paul Hadaway
    Paul Hadaway
    Director of Conservation
  • Sarah Brownlie
    Programme Director
  • Ross Johnson
    Ross Johnson
    Head of Nature Markets
  • Robbie Still
    Robbie Still
    HIRegistry -Head of Digital Development
  • Helen Gillespie-Brown
    Business Development Manager